The chobots were happy that they can get rid of some spyes with the help of Agent Chopix!
But the spyes were to many, so they tought:
"Lets join our power of cho that we have left and try to defeat them for ever!"This is what the mighty Chobots leader, Vayerman told his friends on the planet called CHO.
They agreed so they tooked the remaining power that was kept in a secret moderator HQ, that only Vayerman and Tinaghotic,Vayerman's co-leader, known the etrance.It was kept in a very safe box.
So they took the box with them, and the army of chobots, with mego-guns in theyr hands and light bulbs on theyr heads went into nicho kingdom! They saw an army of nichos in front of them, so Vayerman decided toget the Power of CHO from the box and use it on the bravest agents, for them to get power and defeat the nichos.
With the help of the other chobots they started to fight with the nichos, and at one point Vayerman, Tinaghotic , Sonorus, Xxmax, Smurfet, Go!, {$}chobot{$} and the other co-leaders of CHO were taken by the nichos,because of a trick.Only Hikikomori could escape. The Agents were sad so they made a plan to save the leaders.
"One of us, the bravest , will go to the nichos and tell that he wants to join the nichos team, and he will wear a nicho helmet.He will ask after to see the prisoners in private, and then he will release them with the help of the CHO Power.But who the brave agent should be?"
Hikikomori answered:"I will go there!It’s my dudy as a co-leader to help my friends!"
So Hikikomori went inside the Nicho Kingdom and tricked the nichos and let the leaders free!
And with the CHO Power left she managed to destroy Nicho Kingdom, and the bad nichos were traped in the ruins for ever.
This is how brave Chobots save the world CHO from bad Nichos, and they leaved happily ever after!
The Choend!
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thx thx thx
i forgot a thx !lol
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