
Old times!

Hey I was looking at a really old blog when I found this really old picture of Chobots Mods and Agents!
Theres Mesk, Tcuki, Vayerman, Tinagothic, Chobot and Aayush!
Awww! Isnt that cute! Can u guess where they are?
Post a comment and I will let u win 8 YES 8 games!
Good luck!
P.S Post ur Chobot name, age and a time, place and date where we will meet up and ill let u win!


Spalko said...

Spalko 4:19 PM sunday
and I rock. You really need to know that :-p IM YOUR DAD DUHH

Pendul1 said...

lol spalko
chocice made that post not me

Chocice said...

Woah Spalko are you okay...
And you are not my dad Lol!
Is there something between u and Pendul ur 'daughter' needs to know?
Hee Hee! =)
Me and Splako got something in common... We Both ROCK!
=) =)
Joking so does every1 eles!

Spalko said...

Yah, Pendul1 is my daughter...lol