
Canabs A Star 1

- Juicyqueeen

See ya in 3 days!

I have some news. I will leave my be town for 3 days with my family and i wont enter chobots, just for a sec a day ;)
I hope i dont miss some fun lol :D
Soo... cya in 3 days!
bye bye!




This is a new awesome dress that i found i the clothes shop.:D
Hope you like it!

And yesterday i saw chobot with this awesome knight suit. When will it be in shops? I can't wait to see it!!!



Vayerman quick party

Hehe look at these new magics :D, aren't they cool?
Vayerman experimented :).
It was fun. Oh and he raned a new t shirt. "B day " shirt


New Magic !!

(click to enlarge)

We now have new magic for citizens ;) 510 bugs - quite cheap :P lolz
It makes you dance like michael jackson !! :O Cooly !!

Mod magic

Hehe look at these pictures of magic :D.
This happened yesterday =)
And chlos did some magic so he was on the cafe :D



New updates !

Guys alot of new updates !!

1) We can now remove furniture - :)) yeyyy

2) New mod magic !

3) New Walpaper on www.blog.chobots.com

4) Apparently - Gift n trade coming back on 1st august !

5) New room coming soon - Beach !! Woot wooot :P

Thanks - Juicyqueen Blog Author

New Updates!

Hey Guys,

Sorry I havent been writing!

Look at cool stuff! ☻☻

1) In the clothes shop all the clothes have switched places...

2) New magic the MOONWALK! ☻☻ I wonder if they named it after MJ??

3) New pet games and bedtimes! Cool my pet Pie Loves it! XD

Hee hee any other updates dont think so...

Anywayz Bye!

~Chocice xx

Important message for the authors!

Hello dear authors of this blog, i have an anouncement to make.
I made a new rule.
If one author doesn't post for 4 days , he will get removed. And i know you won't like this idea.
But i saw that no one posts that much. _skip_ is in holiday so if you guys are in holiday or dont have internet or something happened please tell me.



Weird glitch?

Today i was at cafe street and something weird hapenedO_O
take a look at this picture!


Funny picture

Today i was bored and i edited a picture. lol
It was like a cho girl was sleeping and the nichos came next to her or idk O_O


Guess who!

Hello! :D Are you ready for a contest?:D
Tell me the names of the agents in the pictures:D
firs t one to get them right will get 1500 bugs :D
Good luck to all!



Nicho party!!!

Just look at this pictures!
It was awesome!!!
We defeated when the light came!:D The power of CHO defeated them!yay!:D
Hope we will have another great party like this one!;)



I'm Back!

Hi Guys,
Sorry I havent been writing I was on 'holiday' to France...
I was good!
How r u guys?
Sorry I forgot to tell u I was going! =P
But Im here now!
U know wat to start my time back, why dont we have a contest?
Now comment on somethings I could do!
Thnx :-)

Hi guy!Here are the winners of Space Race contest!
Congradz to all!
Mcho04 gets 1 month of free citizenship!
Lara555 gets 2 weeks of free citizenship and Shrinkychick - 1 week of free citizenship!
Congratulations guys! Well done everybody!

300th Post =)

Pendul1 - Im here too answer you're question ! hehe, Our one and only (it is actually one and the only one cause were only going too have 1 300 post hehe) Any wayy, Our one and only 300 post is about . . .

(drum roll)

Wait I Forgot - No Reallly I Forgot Lol ;) This May Take Some Time :P

Urmmm- I Actually can't remember so im going too talk about 'Trade And Gift'

So everyone keeps asking me, When is trade and gift coming back?' and I didn't really have a real answer. So I asked my friends and most people said 1st August and a few said 21st August :/

Idk but it is most proboly going too be coming back SOON :)

I really do hope it comes back for juniors cause Tina did me a big favor and unbanned my hacked account :) (again thnx tina) And it has lots of cloths - (the old ones that they don't sell any more :P ) Anyways so there is ur answerr :))



Hello hello!

"Hiya guys! So yesterday there was the all important AGENT MEETING! Well during the meeting finally some of my Q's got answered but other than them there was fighting and controversy between agent fano and mod chobot! Chobot was said to have rained 18 V-FLAGS TO FISHALATE! Fano thought and got basically every agent on his side saying well thats not fair... We demande v flag rain! In case your curious no rain happened. But chobot left for dinner with these words... or somthing around these words... all agents will recieve a v- flag soon! O_O What does that mean? I dunno could be a lie. Chobot also wrote on the screen... agents should not get kick button OR any special items! They should just be in it for respect! It was a big fight that resutled in Fano blowing up lol."
I found this words on worldofchobots.blogspot.com
It sound like a big argue between chobot and fano.
hmm.. but i am on chobot's side , not because he is mod lol but he just tryed his powers . He asked fishalate whaqt should he rain so he said v flags.

fact: this is the post with number 299 lol. what should the post with number 300 be?lol :D

Hello Guys, I Went to the crazzzzy party last night, but I kept getting 'connection error' ):
Any when it rained - the rain fell so quickly that i couldn't click it :( Arggggg, But other then that the party was a blast !! Im very sorry too- I didn't get any pictures But thats okay 'cause most of you were there !!! Im sure were having another party today - I know we are !!

We're having a R A I N B O W party !! Wooo :P Its quite early :)) Below are the rules & every think you will need too know :)
Where : Cafee Street
Time : 10:00 Chotime
When : Today of corse !!
What : Rainbow partyHiki's Rules - You have too dress up in either ;-

You're cloths and chobots colour have too be one of those colours and the same !!

I'm going Green !! What about you guys !! Comment and tell :)

(And don't forget MY party rules)

Juicyqueen - Over and out !!


Choproff Is Back !!

Choproff is back
Academy - classroom - vanilla :))


My Art

Here's my pic of Spongebob, You like it?


This is weird, I was on my computer then it started making these beeping noises.
It turned off so I lost all my work. It did it because of the fuse for powerpoints in my house is broken.
But it's fixed now so i can go back on!

Tina Made A Quick-ee appearance :)

Tina make a quick-ee appearance today, We had a lil party :) It rained some magic. Then every one was begging for more - we were all suprized when she rained water hehe :P We had a blast even though it lasted about 10 minutes :)

(For a peek at some picz go too my Official blog - chobotscheatsbyjuicyqueen.blogspot.com

:)) Luv Juicy



Wow! Cool suit, no?

This is my test acc, so i know how to have a suit like that!
Ask me if u want one!


What should i wear?

Lol this is my FULL wardrobe.
I saved some American flags so i can give 9 of them to ppl that don't have one when trade comes back.



New items in shop :)

There is 2 new items in the shop :))

There is an ant maskk ;- 900 bugs and for citizenn , - Located in eco shop.

(click too enlarge)

And there is a pair of sandals (ooo, somthinkk for girls) They're in the shoe catouloug - 920 bugs and for citizens.
I would buy both but i'm not a citizen :(



These are the winners on garbage collector contest :D
Good work and congradz!


New Email x

Hi Guys :) I now have a new email address, the one that i use for chobots n all (blogs) Is my personal one but now i have a chobot email.


Thanks ;) Also, with that email, you can send me pictures of anythink you want me too post on my blog and maybe a little text with it.(eg,ur wardrobe,pet(real life,or chobots)Maybe your house or a quote,) Maybe you want too write somethink about a good friend of yours,or a riddle,or joke,or maybe a poem. Any thing you want :) You can also give me some ideas on how too improve my blog, Or if you want me too advertise ur blog on mine (i only do this if that person advertises my blog on their blogg)And dont for get guys, I want you too start your message with 'Dear Juicyqueen' And finish with 'From (chobots name)' Okayyy :)) ThanksBye :)
From Juicyqueennnnn x


'No one knows how many magic citizens can hold in their backpacks !!

'Juniors can hold just under 50 magic in their backpack.

'Carrots(On chobots) Used to be purple. :o

'Hiki can't rain Hiki tops - Well not yet any way.

'Juniors can now have 150 friends.

'citizens can have 250-300 (i think)

'Most mods have a 'backup,secret account'

Pictures from mask party + my wardrobe

Here are some pictures form the party :D
It was cool
Hiki rained magic and masks :)
And a picture of my FULL wardrobe!lol:D



hehe guess who's back!

Hello chobots! Lol Chopix's back! You know where to find him and you know what to do! So good luck everyone and have fun!



Ok remember my contest, right?
Well The winner is...(drum rolls)...Therock67! The answer was 94 :D
Congradz! The answer was 94!Here is your honor badge!

Hope you like it!


Hehe congradz new agents!

Hehe look at this picture:D
I think all that became agents in here deserve it :D
Congradz again!


New Hiki Shirt!

Hey Guys me again!
I looked at my friends list and I saw Hiki wearing a Hiki Shirt!
Oooo I sooooooo want 1!
Hope it rains Hiki shirts soon!
Heres a picture!


Lots Of News & Contest Winners EXT !

Urmm Alot Too Talk About, I dont know what to start off with. Umm , ! Yess !
Chobots is becoming more worse and worse eachday, More evil nichos are coming in and invading our chobots city, Turning our lovely nice chobots too bad chobots. Here are some bad examples;
Example 1: My good friend had too be reported by me as she was swearing!
Example 2: Some one was dating, Well I Say some one-I mean a few people were dating!
Example 3: Another Random Chobot Was Saying Bad Words & Spamming:O
Example 4: Some one used 'bad' words too me.
A couple more things were happening including Scamming (Asking for passwords), Spamming, Swearing,Cursing,Dating, !! Dosen't any one read the rules?
Any way lets move on too ...
em>Contest Situation
Well, Applepoppet098 (non-agent apple) Won my guess the chobots the answers were ;-

But she said these exact words
I know the exact answers,they're kinda simple to me any way,So if i win (most proboly) Then give it too the next person too answer correctly.Im just playing for fun ;D

So, Applepoppet098 didnt want too go on the prize list, so i will follow her orders and give it too the next correct person. Unfortunatly, No one else got it correct, So, Im giving the 'Winning honour' too Pendul1 as she was very close
So Pendul1 heres your 'Gift' and you will go on to the prize list.

Its not very good but its my first go :P

Well this took longer then i thought so i will have too post the rest tomorrow :) Its very late Byeee x



How many chobots are in this image?
Be the first to answer correct and you will get a honor badge and you will get your tracker on my blog!(if i can remember the tracker text O_O) lolz
Wish you all luck!
Contets ends in 3 days so hurry!
Update: because on the place in the middle there are chobots you cant count dont count them, count the other ones :)


Another update!

We can't enter the cinema!
When you try to clikc nothing happens, you go to the door and you stay there!


Another uptade!

these buttons have new name!
the dance button has "Dance!" andemoticons button has "Emote!"



Hereare the updates:
-menu in german
-bigger lists (with 100 more persons i tink)
-new offer at 123months membership

I think these are all!
bye bye


Winner! Congradz guguzi!

Guguzi said...
1) Clothes Shop
2) Academy street
3) Park
And she was right!
Congradz and here is your New badge!hehe :D
