
Hello hello!

"Hiya guys! So yesterday there was the all important AGENT MEETING! Well during the meeting finally some of my Q's got answered but other than them there was fighting and controversy between agent fano and mod chobot! Chobot was said to have rained 18 V-FLAGS TO FISHALATE! Fano thought and got basically every agent on his side saying well thats not fair... We demande v flag rain! In case your curious no rain happened. But chobot left for dinner with these words... or somthing around these words... all agents will recieve a v- flag soon! O_O What does that mean? I dunno could be a lie. Chobot also wrote on the screen... agents should not get kick button OR any special items! They should just be in it for respect! It was a big fight that resutled in Fano blowing up lol."
I found this words on worldofchobots.blogspot.com
It sound like a big argue between chobot and fano.
hmm.. but i am on chobot's side , not because he is mod lol but he just tryed his powers . He asked fishalate whaqt should he rain so he said v flags.

fact: this is the post with number 299 lol. what should the post with number 300 be?lol :D


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